黄永川教授所言: 插花是一种富生命意义的艺术创作活动,因此作品中饱含创作者的心思、意念,与理想。这些意念与理想除了从素材(花材)所具有的形式、色彩、寓义等方面可以表达出来以外,插花的好坏常取决于作品从立足点(地道)向空中(天道)表现出来的意志方向与角度,这就是插花的形式意向,简称「花相」。
怎么结合易学让花相老师了解他(她)们插出巧夺天工、美不胜收、妙不可言、赏心悦目、超凡脱俗、心旷神怡的美丽作品处处都契合易学的智慧啊! 龙淙要当一个让在上熠熠生辉...
人间最美,花朝与月夕。 中华花艺武夷山特约教室师生。 于今日花朝节。 祭拜花神。 每人簪鲜花诵读花神古诗。 不...
There will be posts!
You can also choose to show your latest posts on the Presentation page. From the theme settings you can select how many posts to show and more will be loaded via an Ajax button.
Even if you can show your latest posts on the Presentation Page, you can also use the Blog Page Template to designate another page as your primary blog posts page. While creating a new page or editing an existing one choose Blog Template as the page template and save.
For more information read all the help sections from the Theme Settings.
There will be more!
Nirvana and its huge array of tools are waiting for your carefully crafted content. It will embrace and enhance it while also giving it room to breathe and grow. Can you imagine a better home for your deepest thoughts, your greatest ideas, your best travel photos and anything else you want to share with the world? With Nirvana, the world will never know what hit it ;)
So bring out your diamond in the rough and let Nirvana find its luster.
So bring out your diamond in the rough and let Nirvana find its luster.